Paramus gets behind ‘Stigma-Free’ Zone initiative

22 Aug 2013 In the News No Comments

From – August 22, 2013

The Care Plus mission to inform the community about mental illness and remove negative stereotypes is under way, with official support from the borough and planning for future events.

Spearheaded by Paramus resident Mary Ann Uzzi, who sits on the Care Plus board of trustees, the “Stigma-Free Zone” initiative was officially recognized in a unanimous July 23 council vote, with the borough pledging its support of the program.

“The Borough of Paramus is honored to be the first community in Bergen County to become a Stigma-Free Zone,” Mayor Rich LaBarbiera said. “There is certainly a need for awareness regarding mental illness, and I am proud that Paramus has taken on this initiative.”

The mayor and council are not the only community members becoming involved in the effort, according to Uzzi. Among government leaders, the Board of Health and Human Services, public safety services including the Paramus Police Department, borough schools and the Paramus Public Library are already pitching in to help spread the word.  Read more…